Disclosire Of Unrealised Gain On Forex In Equity

Forex or foreign exchange trading is a popular investment option for many investors in Indonesia. Forex trading can provide high returns, but it also comes with high risks. As a result, many investors often wonder how forex trading affects their equity and how to report unrealised gain on forex in equity. In this article, we will explore the disclosure of unrealised gain on forex in equity and how it affects investors in Indonesia.

What is Unrealised Gain on Forex in Equity?

Unrealised gain on forex in equity is the difference between the current market value and the cost of a foreign currency held by an investor. This gain is unrealised because the investor has not yet sold the foreign currency. The unrealised gain on forex in equity will affect the equity of the investor.

How is Unrealised Gain on Forex in Equity Reported?

The unrealised gain on forex in equity is reported by adding it to the equity section of the balance sheet. The equity section of the balance sheet includes the investor’s capital, retained earnings, and any other comprehensive income. The unrealised gain on forex in equity is reported as an other comprehensive income item.

How Does Unrealised Gain on Forex in Equity Affect Investors?

Unrealised gain on forex in equity can affect investors in different ways depending on their investment strategy. If an investor’s investment strategy is long-term, then the unrealised gain on forex in equity will increase the equity of the investor, which is beneficial. However, if an investor’s investment strategy is short-term, then the unrealised gain on forex in equity may not be beneficial because it is not yet realised.

What is the Importance of Disclosure of Unrealised Gain on Forex in Equity?

The disclosure of unrealised gain on forex in equity is important because it provides investors with important information about their investments. Investors need to know the impact of their forex trading on their equity. Disclosure of unrealised gain on forex in equity can also help investors make informed decisions about their investment strategy.

What are the Risks of Forex Trading?

Forex trading comes with high risks, and investors should be aware of these risks before investing in forex. Some of the risks of forex trading include market volatility, leverage risk, and liquidity risk. Market volatility can result in losses, and leverage risk can amplify losses. Liquidity risk can result in difficulty selling currencies at the desired price.

What is the Role of Regulators in Forex Trading?

Regulators play an important role in forex trading by protecting investors from fraud and ensuring fair trading practices. In Indonesia, the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti) is responsible for regulating forex trading.

How Can Investors Manage Risks in Forex Trading?

Investors can manage risks in forex trading by diversifying their investments, setting stop-loss orders, and avoiding overleveraging. Diversification involves investing in different currencies to reduce the impact of losses in one currency. Stop-loss orders can limit losses by automatically selling currencies at a predetermined price. Overleveraging can amplify losses, so investors should avoid investing more than they can afford to lose.


In conclusion, the disclosure of unrealised gain on forex in equity is important for investors in Indonesia. Investors should be aware of the risks of forex trading and take steps to manage these risks. Regulators play an important role in protecting investors from fraud and ensuring fair trading practices. By understanding the impact of forex trading on their equity, investors can make informed decisions about their investment strategy.Terima kasih sudah membaca artikel ini. Silahkan baca artikel lainnya di situs kami.